Time Tracking for the Aquaculture Industry

Med 𝗱𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝟮𝟰 fra AMS AS får du full kontroll og oversikt over ansattes skiftplaner og tilstedeværelse i sanntid, samt oversikt over ansattes timer til lønn med automatisk beregning av tillegg, overtid og timebank for Blå Næring.

direct 24 from AMS gives you complete control and real-time oversight of employees' shift schedules and presence. You also have a detailed view of employee hours for payroll and automatic calculation of bonuses, overtime and flexitime.

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Time-Tracking for Road and Construction

direct 24 Time-Tracking is also suitable for the road and construction industry. In the app, one can register to/from a location and project, including hours for vehicles and machinery, and register supplements, costs and mass.

direct 24 timeregistrering passer også for vei og anlegg’s bransjen. I appen kan man registrere til/fra sted og prosjekt, få med timer på bil og maskiner, registrere tillegg, kostnad og masse.

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Time Banks: Holiday Account and Flexitime

You can easily control flexitime and holiday days with an excellent time-tracking system. In direct 24, time banks are automatically updated, so employees and managers have a complete overview. It is also easy to generate reports.

You can easily control flexitime and holiday days with an excellent time-tracking system. In direct 24, time banks are automatically updated, so employees and managers have a complete overview. It is also easy to generate reports.

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