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direct FOOD functions
Vidar Trydal
direct FOOD
Production Plan
- Plan, prioritise and distribute orders to the various production lines
- Article register with units, shelf life and packaging
- Management of prices, process routines and reading requirements
- The product determines which workstations should be included in the process
- Overview of the production plan per line, adapted for use on info screens
With a production plan in direct FOOD, you will have complete control over planning your orders and allocating operations to the various workstations in a production line. An advanced article solution keeps track of units, shelf life, packaging, prices, process routines and readings that the system uses to plan production execution.

Planned production for the individual production lines is visualised in their overview lists, which can be used on their info screens. Information on production order distribution per production line can be automatically rolled continuously.
Production Plan with Calculation and Contribution Margin
- Material Consumption
- Packaging
- Staffing and processing
The system provides user support for calculation and contribution margin for produced goods, including raw materials, suppliers per article and cost price, consumed raw material, semi-finished products, packaging and recorded time on staffing and processing.

Planning of Operations to Workstations
- Job list per workstation
- Product and production information
- Measuring and observation requirements
- Access to recipes
direct FOOD plans the production orders for each workstation to optimise production lines with their job lists, ensuring an efficient workday for each operator. The various orders will have different requirements for reporting readings and observations linked to the article/product they will process. Through a clear production plan in the factory and an efficient operator solution, the company gains complete control over the execution of planned production.