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direct MES functions

direct MES

Stop Cause

  • Get control over the cause of the stop
  • Categorizes stop causes for your production process
  • Simple and effective registration of start and stop
  • Automate stop cause directly from machine stoppage
  • Use stop registrations in OEE
  • Insight into stop causes provides increased focus on improvements

Avoid downtime by identifying the causes of production stops, learning from these, and implementing the proper measures in the right place. direct MES provides the ability to register stop causes manually or automatically.

Let your employees register the reasons for production stops as soon as they occur so you have ongoing control over lost production time. If you have machines that can be integrated, Stop Cause in direct MES supports automatic start and stop of reasons for machine stoppage.

direct MES

With our web-based operator solution, you can easily register stops in production as they occur. An integrated time registration will then start and provide important information about the stop and its cause to the system. When production commences, the operator can quickly stop to end the registration.

The system supports predefined time intervals, numbers, or real-time registration so that registration of stop causes effectively meets your various needs in the simplest possible way.

If you want to use the OEE module in direct MES, there will be significant benefits in having control over the reasons for reduced production availability to reach the factory's efficiency goals.

Avoid downtime by identifying the causes of production stops, learning from these, and implementing the proper measures in the right place. direct MES provides the ability to register the stop causes manually or automatically. Manufacturing Execution System.

Stop Cause provides you with flexible registration of stops in production:

  • Register directly where the production stop occurs
  • Have different stop registrations for different needs 
  • Possibility for time interval, number, and real-time registration

direct MES is adapted to your various needs for registering stops in production, so you can efficiently but safely ensure correct registration of reasons for reduced availability in the factory.

Get automatic stop-time registration

Your production equipment is often both a bottleneck and one of the most important resources to utilise in the best possible way. direct MES can integrate your machines for the optimisation of production capacity. Here, we will also be able to automatically register to start and stop in real time so that you can focus on the highest possible uptime.